

あふりらんぽ / AFRIRAMPO

2002年に大阪で結成 。ONI / オニ(Vo, G)とPIKA / ピカ(Vo, Dr)の2人からなるギターロックバンド。原始的なサウンドを取り入れた音楽性と衝撃的なパフォーマンスが国内外で話題に。2003年に1stアルバム「A」、2005年にKi/oon Recordsからアルバム「URUSA IN JAPAN」をリリース。2010年に解散を発表。2011年には解散ライブを収録したCD+DVD「NEVER ENDING AFRIRAMPO」をKi/oon Recordsよりリリース。解散から6年経て再始動。http://afrirampo.net/
Afrirampo Formed in Osaka in 2002. Guitar rock duo consisting of Oni (vo, g) and Pika (vo, dr). The primitive musicality of their sound and their astounding live shows quickly brought them national and international notoriety. Released their debut album “A” in 2003. In 2004 they went to live and record with a Baka pygmy community deep in the forests of Cameroon, with a CD of these recordings being released in 2006 as “Baka ga kita!!” In 2005 they released “Urusa in Japan” on the Japanese major label, Ki/oon Records, and “Koregamayakuda”, their first overseas release on Tzadik. Toured the US, and Europe with Sonic Youth. Released a collaborative album with Acid Mothers Temple called “We’re Acid Mothers Afrirampo!” and played shows together. Played at the All Tomorrow’s Parties festival, where they performed together with Yoko Ono. Released “Suuto Breakor” in 2007 and “We are Uchu no Ko” in 2010. In 2010 they announced that they were breaking up and in 2001 they released a CD and DVD called “Never Ending Afrirampo” (Ki/oon Records) of their farewell show. Six years later, in 2016, they reformed. Released “Afriverse” in 2018. Both members are now mothers in their private lives, but they continue to perform at a more relaxed mommy’s pace.
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